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Real Estate Auction (See Pictures Below)Enjoy this spacious 3 bedroom home, 2 ½ baths, formal dining, kitchen, large living room with fireplace, lower level family room, plus a basement, central air/conditioning and forced air gas and a 2 car garage with electric door openers just a hop and a skip from beautiful downtown Overland Park. For Showings: call or text: Phil Detrixhe, Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker: 913-624-4644 or 913-642-3207. Auctioneer’s Note: The children are offering this real estate property and personal property at Public Auction to settle their deceased parent’s estate. Personal Property Auction sells after real estate. (see separate webpage for personal property listing to be posted by October 16th) Open House 2 to 4 p.m:
Terms and Conditions: $3,500.00 is due on the day of the auction with the balance due in a Bank Cashier’s Check at time of closing. Buyers are to obtain financing prior to the auction. There is NO SUBJECT TO FINANCING CLAUSE. Therefore, Buyers must be qualified to purchase the property in its current condition up to closing. All inspections by prospective Buyers are to be done prior to the auction. Sellers are selling the Property in “As Is”, “Where Is” condition, and make no warranty and/or guarantee to the mechanical and structural condition to the property or boundary lines. Possession is at the time of closing. Closing will be on or before December 6, 2013 Buyers are to pay an additional 6% of the final bid (Purchase Price) as a Buyer’s Premium to the seller at time of closing. Seller will provide clear and merchantable title. 2012 Real Estate Taxes were $1,583.15__. 2013 Real Estate Taxes are to be pro-rated to the day of closing. Phil Detrixhe, a licensed Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer of Detrixhe Realty & Auction is representing the Seller. Detrixhe Realty & Auction will cooperate with other real estate agencies as buyer agents. However, Buyer Agents will be required to get their full commission from their Buyer. Buyer’s Agents must indicate that he/she is a Buyer Agent and must register his/her buyers the day of the auction. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Personal Property: (Sells after Real Estate) Carved Ivory Faux Stone Statue Figurines: Chinese Carved Ivory Faux Stone Statue Figurines: 2 - 11 1/2" caved Ivory Faux stone statue Chinese Emperor and Empress. These 2 Faux Ivory pieces were brought from China in the 1960's by the family. New Stair-chair-lift: new Acorn Super-Glide 120 chair lift for 8 steps with 2 remotes; Silver and Silver-plated: 1986 Rogers silver plated butter dish; Reed & Bar #5600 Regent 8” water pitcher; Heritage 6” 1847 Rogers Bros, IS 9403 sugar; Heritage 6” 1847 Rogers IS 9404 creamer; Heritage 3 ½” round container - 1847 Rogers IS 9405; 24” x 16 ½” 1847 Heritage Rogers – IS 9498 serving tray; 1847 Heritage – Rogers Bros, coffee pot #9401; Monarch Silver Co. #1115 – 9 inch (“) diameter by 6” deep compote D7844; 8 ½ “ ?? Hman silver plated tea pot; 9 ¾” #8 teapot; 4 ½ “ silver plated creamer and sugar EBT 1005; 21 ½” EPC #1082x etched silver plated platter; 9” silver plated oval dish; 6” silver plate compote; Reed & Barton #1202 – 10” silver plate bowl; Rockford 1845 - 9” silver plated stemmed cake dish with handle; 7 ½” diameter x 1 ½ “ deep silver plated bowl with cork bottom; 16” silver plated platter; 2 – 6” silver plated table candle holders; Antiques and Collectibles: 4 – WWI –11” hallow brass decorative bomb shells; 1945 Austrian print by KJB; Tonka semi-truck cattle trailer; early 1900’s Knapp electric toy Questioner No. 325; Gas Piper Pace – gas operated u-control model airplane with 16” wings; Falcon Building Lumber by American MFG, wood blocks construction; smoking pipe and cigar holders; box misc. cigarette lighters; old brass trumpet; old hardback and paperback books; 4 wicker bottom wood side chairs; bamboo bottom wood rocker; sad iron; old electric typewriter; kids chaps; pewter 7” princess; cast iron jewelry box; DVD’s Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and more; 1959, 60, 67 and 1968 American Rifle magazines; advertising wood boxes; old games; McCall dress patterns; old buttons; old VHS movie tapes; wooden glass case; TWA medallions; 1922 copyright picture by Robert Handreux; Beer advertising signs, lights and clocks; copper flower planter; Crocket set; and old tins; Glass and antique china: Cut-glass 4” rolling pin; cut-glass 10 inch water picture; cut-glass 6 inch starburst stemmed compote; Diamond patterned ice bucket with glass handle; beaded – rope pattern fruit bowl; cut0glass 11” oblong flower pattern bowl; tear drop stemmed cake plate; cut-glass 10 ½” daisy pattern relish dish; starburst water picture; 9 ½ “ etched glass flower vase; 7 ½” cut-glass strawberry pattern bowl; cut-class starburst vinegar cruet; cut-glass ribbon pattern handle dish; cut-glass starburst dish; cut-glass ribbon relish dish; 10 – 4” cut glass starburst water tumblers; cut-glass 5” candy dish; matching starburst creamer and sugar; 9 ½” patterned lead glass water pitcher; 3 ½” beaded glass creamer and sugar on glass tray; 10 ½” cubical pattern relish dish; 9” wine cruet; China: partial set of Havilland & Co. (France) Limoges plated dishes – plates, saucers, cups, salad dishes, fruit dishes, cereal dishes, coffee cups, tea cups, potato bowls, tureen cover dish, large platters, butter dish, creamer, sugar, relish dish, gravy boat, and larger platter. Bavarian dishes – Alice JHR & J-R; Italian dish; Austria M&Z dish; J&C dish; Janet Royal Doulton figurine; Sweetie Royal Doulton figurine HIT 1939; Mis Dinmure – Royal Doulton figurine RN0753474; Lady Chairman Royal Doulton figurine 1&H 1948; Royal Haeger by Royal Hickman 298; 2 Norwesst Angels; Redwing platter; 2 Denton bone floral pieces; several wine goblets, and sherbet stem glasses; floral etched juice glasses; floral etched fruit bowl; Kodak Junior Six-20 camera; Model A Trunk; old trunks; Schwinn 26” ladies bicycle; hurricane lamp; IronRite 95 Roller iron for large linens; Gibson Book, old Lithographs; Older Stars & Stripes newspapers; Kansas City Times newspapers; K.C. Star series WWI; old books; 1851 old lithograph; 1938 lithograph of French Chateau by F. Blerg; old Ladies Home Journal; piece of a coral reef; small microscope; needle and cross-stitch pictures in frames; old Army uniform and hat; old barbwire; mink coat and fox fur wrap; beaver hat; Firearms: 1908 pocket Colt 25 caliber, serial #236901, parts; 1848 Springfield cap & ball civil war gun; single shot 22 Hamilton rifle, pat. 1930 – 1900 to Aug. 15, 1907, mfg. C.J. Hamilton & Sons, Plymouth, Michigan; Double barrel cap and ball; parts of 1915 Stevens Arms Co., 25 cal, model 1915 Trade Mark 0 Favorite; Remington 12 ga. pump, serial #N1327325; N.R. Davis & Sons AJAX Davis Warner Arm Corp. 20 ga.double barrel break-open; Iver Johnson – 20 gauge double barrel break down; Furniture, Household, tools and miscellaneous: nice 2 ADS – 24 inch stereo speakers; Kenwood stereo receiver; Pioneer stereo cassette tape deck; Pioneer turntable; Direct TV HD receiver; 5 drawer chest of drawers; 3 drawer chest of drawers; 3 foot lockers; safe 24”x”24”x30”; Pencrest 4,000 btu a/c; 6 ft. sofa; cushion chairs; table lamps; 2 drawer metal file cabinet; 3’ free standing wood shelf; Acacid woods – salad bowls and dishes; Anchor – Hocking Fire King glass snack trays and cups; several wine goblets, shot glasses; Evave small microwave; mirrors and wall hangings; yard and garden and hand tools; electric chain saw; folding card table and chairs; shopvac; baskets; life ladder chair; humidifier; Epson Printer; Bird cage; Emerson VCR; linens; Xmas items; elect. waffle iron; 2 wheel cart; pots and pans and much more too numerous to mention; Terms and Conditions to Personal Property Auction: Payments for items purchased are to be paid in Cash or Approved Check. Buyers to pay a 5% Buyer's Premium on each item purchase. All items Sell "As IS" and "Where Is". The above Auctioneer and Sellers make no implied or express warranty as to the condition of the merchandise being Sold. All items are to be removed from the premises the day of the Auction. Auction conducted by: |